Welcome to our Virtual Exhibition
Suffolk County Council (lead promotor), and its joint venture development partner, Lovell Partnerships are proposing to build a new community on land identified within the West Suffolk Local Plan to the west of Mildenhall.
The land will expand upon the new community facilities that have already been provided at the Mildenhall Hub. The new community will include houses, parks, a new school, a new local centre and an employment area for the creation of new jobs.
We first asked the public about the future of this land in 2021 and again in 2022 as part of a consultation on the preparation of a Masterplan for this land.
Purpose of the Public Exhibition
The purpose of this consultation is to explain the next stages in the development of this land and to provide you with the opportunity to give us your views about the proposed outline planning application, for the mixed-use development.
Your feedback will be considered as part of the final drafting stages of the outline planning application and will be summarised within a
Statement of Community Involvement that will be submitted to West Suffolk Council as part of the final planning application submission.
More guidance is also contained within the Frequently Asked Questions section of this public consultation website. Once you have reviewed this material, we would encourage you to complete our online feedback form.