Transport & Movement
Walking and Cycling Strategy
The site specific transport strategy prioritises pedestrian and cycle movement. Pedestrian and cycle links are integrated with existing routes and the Public Rights Of Way (PROW) to simplify access and encourage walking and cycling.
The primary footways and cycleways would be provided along the green corridors within the site, away from vehicular traffic to encourage safe, convenient routes.
The footways and cycleways provided within the development will be provided to current standards and proposed as follows:
- A shared, lit footway and cycleway with a combined width of 5.5 metres.
- Routes would connect to the local centre, the employment area, the SANG, the school, the Mildenhall Hub, Queensway and Bridleway 1.
- A formal crossing would be provided, in the form of a Tiger crossing on West Row Road linking the northern and southern parts of the site. Safe crossing facilities will be provided where the pedestrian and cycle routes cross internal roads.
- Secondary footways and cycleways will link through the residential areas to the spine road and the primary footways and cycleways.
- Connections to the exiting Public Right Of Way (PROW) network and other external routes including connections to Bridleway 1.
- A number of connections will be provided along the eastern boundary linking footways and cycleways with Comet Way, Fred Dannatt Way, Queensway, Sheldrick Way and into the Mildenhall Hub.
- Connections to the existing network to encourage pedestrian and cycle movement to key destinations in the town and surrounding areas.
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