Summary of Constraints Mapping
Primary Constraints
The plan below provides an overview of the primary constraints identified at the masterplan stage which will require consideration through this planning application:
- West Row Road – addressing the potential severance and barrier to movement;
- Existing Vegetation – comprising existing hedgerows and boundary trees that offer locally distinctive landscape features and suitable habitats that warrant retention and protection;
- River Lark valley – sensitivity to change;
- Settlement Edge – both the existing settlement edge and new western boundary to the settlement created by this development are sensitive boundaries;
- Views – development could retain long-ranging views of the St Mary’s Church in the east;
- Heritage – preserving the significance of the Grade II listed Wamil Hall and any archaeology present;
- Surface Water Drainage – addressing site levels to provide a suitable surface water management;
- Bird Management – implementing design and management of water to discourage avian species hazardous to aviation safety; and
- Conservation Sites – potential adverse effects on Breckland SPA;
- Utilities – observing easements;
- Other technical matters have been considered but not been identified a a significant constraint to development.
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