A Vision For West Mildenhall
Creating a New Neighbourhood
It is the vision of the proposed Masterplan to create a new neighbourhood in West Mildenhall which delivers a locally distinctive community that is integrated with the natural and built environment, and creates an identity that is recognisable within Mildenhall.
This is underpinned by the following five objectives (elaborated on pages 10-11) which cumulatively reflect this vision:
A place focussed around a community that is locally distinctive
Delivering buildings of a design and form that are locally distinctive reflecting the character of Mildenhall and the surrounding villages.
Creating a vibrant local centre at the heart of the community.
Creating a new edge to the west of Mildenhall that integrates with the existing settlement whilst preserving West Row and preventing coalescence.
Providing multi-functional public spaces that foster interaction.
A place that is defined by a variety of attractive and accessible green spaces
Retaining all boundary vegetation, trees and tree belts alongside new significant landscaping.
Providing a network of green corridors that connects all parts of the neighbourhood and provides access to formal and informal open spaces.
Creating multi-functional open spaces that positively interact with blue infrastructure and forms a new edge to Mildenhall.
A healthy, sustainable neighbourhood that responds to the climate emergency
Creating a walkable neighbourhood that prioritises walking and cycling as the primary mode of transport.
Linking all land uses with green spaces and movement corridors.
Integrating with existing Public Rights of Way, movement corridors and neighbourhoods.
Achieving Future Homes Standard and incorporating low carbon and renewable energy provision.
A place that fosters natural habitats
Providing a high quality Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace (SANG) of at least 10ha.
Protecting existing habitats.
Creating new habitats.
Achieving 10 % bio-diversity net gain.
A place that provides good quality and choice of homes
Creating of high quality beautiful and sustainable buildings and places in accordance with the National Design Guide and the NPPF.
Providing a range of homes, including Self and Custom Build and affordable home ownership.