Summary Of Constraint Mapping
Identified Constraints
A number of constraints have been identified – these constraints have been a significant influence in formulating a design framework that is responsive to these findings and acts to ensure that any future proposal for the site can relate to its local context.
Transport Network
There will be a requirement for both on-site and off-site transport infrastructure or mitigation measures to offset any adverse impacts upon the local highway network that will be generated from the traffic movement created (please refer to pages 18-19).
There are no designated assets of archaeological interest. There are also no listed buildings on the site itself, but there are a number of listed buildings within its vicinity such as the Grade I listed Church of St. Mary. The site also abuts Mildenhall Conservation area on its south-eastern edge (please refer to pages 20-21).
The site itself comprises predominantly of arable land with only limited vegetation in the form of field margins, hedgerow and woodland. There are four statutory designated nature conservation sites within 2km of the site (please refer to page 30)
Flood Risk
The site is situated within Flood Zone 1, indicating a low risk of flooding from river or tidal sources. The vast majority of the site is also not susceptible to surface water flooding, excluding a few isolated patches which are at medium risk (please refer to page 32).
Aircraft noise generated from RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall should not be a significant constraint given the separation distance between the bases and site itself (please refer to page 33).
The site is within 300 metres of the Mildenhall Sewage Treatments Work (STW) which carries a minimal risk of odour disturbance (please refer to page 33).