Green Infrastructure
Multi-functional Green Infrastructure
The outline planning application provides a well-connected network of multi-functional open space and formal provision exceeding 17 hectares of open space (equivalent to 24 football pitches in size). It is designated to cater for a range of recreational needs including allotments, parks and sport pitches.
In addition, a 10 hectare (equivalent to 14 football pitches in size) area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) will be created on the site providing ample opportunity for new residents to have access
to recreational space within the local area. The aim is to encourage dog walkers to remain in the local area rather than routinely visiting the nearby Special Protection Areas (SPA), reducing the potential for disturbance to Nightjar and Woodlark.

Biodiversity and Wildlife
The vision for the site is to achieve a biodiversity net gain of at least 10%.
Large areas of low value arable land will be converted to semi natural habitats such as grassland, with scrub and woodland mosaics.
Green corridors will incorporate the retained hedgerows and trees, and will be enhanced with additional habitats such as wildflower meadows and tree planting.
Specific measures for protected species are summarised below:
- Landscaping will be designed to allow bats to continue foraging and roosting on the site.
- Any work to the river banks will be undertaken under a Natural England Licence, ensuring conservation benefit.
- Birds will continue to use the landscaping within the scheme to nest and forage.
- There is a requirement to provide offsite measures to mitigate for the loss of farmland in particular in relation to ground nesting birds and arable plants.